Visit the church at 8040 S. Hwy 49 Jackson, CA 95642.
Sunday Service Times
Sunday School 9:00 am
Worship Service 10:30 am
Worship Service 10:30 am
Parking is pretty simple here. Park where you'd like and head to the main building with the large glass doors.
Arrival Time
Many people arrive 15 minutes early. Coffee is normally available and children's check-in is open on the left side counter of the lobby.
What to Wear
Be relaxed or dress it up—we'll be happy to see you as you are
Worship Style
We strive to sing songs deeply rooted in the truth of the Scriptures in a contemporary way. From hymns to current worship songs, we praise His name!
Teaching Style
Every worship service and Sunday school class involves a Biblically-focused message. We love to learn.